Sustainability > Carbon management

Global CCS Institute welcomes CCS Flagship Program short list

09 December, 2009

The Global Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Institute has welcomed the Australian government’s announcement to progress the development of four large-scale commercial CCS plants across the country.

Australian government moves clean coal development forward

09 December, 2009

The Wandoan Power Consortium's proposal for one of the world’s first integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been shortlisted for the next stage of the federal government’s CCS Flagship Program. The Wandoan Power Consortium is working to develop a state-of-the-art cleaner coal plant in Queensland.

What is the carbon intensity of your supply chain?

03 December, 2009

Many Australian companies are unaware that they have highly carbon-intensive supply chains and could be exposed to a future cost of carbon.

De-carbonising Australia's homes

20 November, 2009

Despite contributing approximately 54 million tonnes of carbon emissions annually to the atmosphere, Australia's seven million dwellings currently have no role in the federal government's proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS).

Peak sustainable development conference to assist local governments

04 August, 2009

The 4th Annual Local Government Sustainable Development Conference is designed to assist local government practitioners to identify, plan and implement best practice sustainable development solutions, particularly related to reducing the carbon footprint.

Collaboration to deliver carbon accounting solution

19 June, 2009

EDS and SAP Australia and New Zealand have announced an initiative that will provide a new carbon accounting solution to make it easier for Australian companies to comply with new federal government emissions guidelines.

Carbon Risk Management Program announced

04 June, 2009

Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate Change and the Environment, Carmel Tebbutt has announced the NSW government is partnering the University of NSW on a program to teach business leaders to capitalise on Australia’s new low carbon economy.

The future of CO2 comes out of the lab

21 May, 2009

Carbon dioxide is now being captured by researchers in an Australian pre-combustion carbon capture project.

Institute to develop CCS lauched

17 April, 2009

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd formally launched the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI) at the inaugural meeting of institute foundation members in Canberra on 16 April 2009. The government announced the institute back in September 2008 with annual funding of up to $100 million to accelerate the deployment of commercial-scale CCS projects globally.


16 April, 2009

Carbon emissions reporting software

02 April, 2009 by

A reporting software product designed to simplify carbon emissions reporting in Australia has been launched by Perth-based company BMS Solutions.

Registry system to boost carbon market integrity and growth

26 March, 2009

The Voluntary Carbon Standard Association (VCSA) has launched its global registry and project database system.

Green Star 'Sustainable Timber' credit reviewed

24 March, 2009

The chief executives of the Green Building Council of Australia, Romilly Madew, and Australian Forestry Standard Limited, Kayt Watts, have released a joint statement regarding the review of the Green Star Mat-8 ‘Sustainable Timber’ credit.

Climate change campaigner joins Carbonscape team

27 February, 2009

Tim Flannery, climate change campaigner and Australian of the Year 2007, is joining the Carbonscape team.

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