Global business leaders issue urgent call to action on climate change
21 October, 2011Governments warned: window to limit global warming closing.
Australia and EU committed to low-carbon future
06 September, 2011The Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Greg Combet, has met with his European counterpart to discuss developments in the global carbon market.
Approved Carbon Farming Initiative to benefit regional Australia
24 August, 2011Regional Australia is set to benefit from the Carbon Farming Initative that has passed through Parliament today.
Australia and the carbon tax - an outsider’s perspective
23 August, 2011In the wash-up after ‘carbon Sunday’, leading UK-based climate change strategist with global engineering firm MWH John Hobson has this advice to offer Australia as it enters into negotiations to legislate for a carbon-price mechanism.
Opportunities for farmers under carbon pricing
08 August, 2011The Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus, has visited Castlemaine in rural Victoria to talk about opportunities for Australia’s farmers and regional communities to play their part in Australia’s move to a clean energy future.
Carbon calculator for book publishers
03 August, 2011Book manufacturer Griffin Press has launched its Carbon Calculator to help large, small and self-publishers make sound environmental and business decisions when printing their books.
Ham, bacon and cogeneration
02 August, 2011The Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Mark Dreyfus has commended Don KR Castlemaine and its fellow large energy users for its efforts in cutting carbon pollution.
CO2 Australia Yonderr carbon offset website
01 August, 2011 byThe website Yonderr ( can be used to purchase carbon offset packages specifically tailored to a particular business or lifestyle. It provides a simple way to offset individual, family or business carbon emissions.
Draft legislation released on the carbon price
28 July, 2011The Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, Wayne Swan, and the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Greg Combet, today released exposure drafts of the key bills in the government’s Clean Energy Legislative Package.
Initiative to secure effective carbon sinks
27 July, 2011A new initiative is aiming to set new standards for investment in carbon sink plantation programs.
How will the carbon pricing mechanism impact your business?
15 July, 2011The Australian government has announced plans to introduce a carbon price mechanism from 1 July 2012. There will be a three-year fixed price period. The carbon price will start at $23 per tonne in 2012-13 and will be $24.15 in 2013-14 and $25.40 in 2014-15. From 1 July 2015 onwards, the carbon price will be set by the market. Under the plan, Australia will cut 159 million tonnes a year of carbon pollution from its atmosphere by 2020 - the equivalent of taking over 45 million cars off the road. In the article below, Elisa de Wit, Anthony Hobley, Noni Shannon and Dominic Adams from law firm Norton Rose Australia outline the impact of the carbon pricing mechanism on businesses.
Biofuels for a cleaner future
14 July, 2011Our cars, trucks and aeroplanes could soon run on fuel made from sugarcane waste thanks to the work of Queensland University of Technology (QUT) scientists at the Mackay Renewable Biocommodities Pilot Plant.
Price on pollution - for or against?
06 July, 2011This weekend the Gillard Government plans to announce a price on pollution as the central element of a comprehensive policy to tackle climate change, cut pollution and drive the transformation of the Australian economy to a clean energy future. Some business and industry sectors are saying it will provide more certainty while others say it will only further add to uncertainty.
Greenhouse calculator to measure your impact
27 June, 2011Families across Australia will be able to measure the impact of simple lifestyle changes on their carbon footprint in just 15 minutes through an online tool launched at RMIT University today.