Sustainability > Carbon management

Carbon farming framework released

22 November, 2010

The federal government has released a framework for how farmers, foresters and landholders will be able to generate carbon credits under the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI).

Global CO2 emissions may set a record this year

22 November, 2010

Global carbon dioxide emissions contributing to atmospheric warming show no sign of abating and may reach record levels in 2010, according to the Global Carbon Project (GCP), supported by CSIRO’s Marine and Atmospheric Research Division.

Rising Aussie dollar bigger shock than carbon price

22 November, 2010

Australia’s economy has felt a bigger impact from the recent surge of the Australian dollar than it would have from the introduction of a carbon price, according to a report released today.

NZ government says agriculture may not make ETS in 2015

18 November, 2010

The New Zealand government's plan to include agriculture in the Emissions Trading Scheme in 2015 may not go ahead if New Zealand's trading partners fail to introduce a carbon tax or ETS.

Climate change: cultural shift needed similar to smoking

28 October, 2010

Despite scientific evidence of climate change, it will take a significant cultural shift in attitudes to address the situation, says a University of Michigan researcher.

Origin welcomes energy efficiency report

13 October, 2010

Origin Energy has welcomed the release of the report by the Prime Minister’s Task Group on Energy Efficiency.

Westpac announces deal to support Carbon Trading Exchange

13 October, 2010

Westpac has announced a deal with the Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX), the first carbon trading exchange for companies or individuals looking to get involved in the voluntary carbon market and reduce their environmental footprint.

Coal upgrading technology at US plant

30 September, 2010

Adelaide-based GTL Energy (GTLE) has announced the completion of construction and commissioning of its coal upgrading plant module near South Heart, North Dakota in the US. The GTLE Dakota plant is a single-module, commercial-scale plant which has been designed to provide proof of the GTLE technology for coal consumers and producers. The company intends to increase both the length and volumes of production runs through the remainder of 2010.

Lord Stern visits Global CCS Institute

31 August, 2010

Lord Nicholas Stern visited the Global CCS Institute in August to discuss his role in advancing commercial deployment of carbon capture and storage, ensuring that the technology plays a role in responding to the world’s need for a low carbon energy future.

Mining technology looks to a sustainable future

26 August, 2010 by Sylvia Aitken

Sustainability and mining are two words that don’t quite seem to fit together. But with evolving social expectations, and under increasing public and media scrutiny, the past decade has seen the mining industry put in a huge effort into sustainable development in order to maintain its ‘social licence to operate’.

Building the green economy

30 July, 2010

Sustainability! Do the major parties have a clue? Green Capital’s ten-point hit list caused debate at its recent Politics of Sustainability event. Whoever wins the looming federal election will need to take immediate action to create the building blocks for Australia’s transition to a green economy. Here are the Green Capital top tips for action.

Is your business carbon ready?

13 July, 2010

Marking a new benchmark in industry training, Australia’s first Diploma of Carbon Management is now being offered at Swinburne University of Technology’s Wantirna campus.

Voluntary carbon market stagnates: report

08 July, 2010

Sales and investment in the voluntary carbon market have stagnated in the last six months under the impact of federal government policy confusion, according to the latest update of the Carbon Offset Guide.

CO2 Group expands into New Zealand

16 June, 2010

Australian environmental services company CO2 Group Limited will expand into New Zealand in June this year, the company’s first overseas venture.

Aldi first to join Carbon Reduction Label Program in Australia

09 June, 2010

Planet Ark has announced that Aldi is the first company to join the Carbon Reduction Label program in Australia - by the end of this year Aldi’s everyday olive oil range will feature the Carbon Reduction Label.

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