
Bintech dissolved oxygen monitor

11 November, 2009 | Supplied by: Bintech Systems Pty Ltd

The Crius 3200 dissolved oxygen monitor has an optional automatic in situ calibration check that can be set at user-defined time intervals.

Consistency meter

10 November, 2009 | Supplied by: Toshiba International Corp Pty Ltd

The LQ500 consistency (density) meter provides accurate and reliable measurement of density for various applications.

Wind turbine

10 November, 2009 | Supplied by: Electronic & Transformer Engineering Ltd

The Aerotek RB900 is a compact, robust wind turbine that is designed for extreme weather conditions. It is built with corrosion-resistant materials and uses a 5-blade stainless steel design.

Water treatment technology

28 September, 2009 | Supplied by: Creative Water Technology Ltd

Creative Water Technology has launched an innovative technology that allows highly contaminated wastewater to be cleaned. The technology was recently recognised by winning Innovic’s International Next Big Thing Award 2009 - Green/Environmental category.

Compact, expandable MBR for difficult environments

23 September, 2009 | Supplied by: http://www.epco.com.au

The EPCO MBR system is said to provide high performance, reliability and longevity at a low operating cost. The modular design is adaptable to different production requirements and suited to wastewater treatment applications.

A sustainable option for residential wastewater

14 September, 2009 | Supplied by: Innoflow Australia Pty Ltd

Wherever there is no main sewer, generally in rural or remote areas, there is a need for an alternative system to deal with residential human waste. There are many companies offering an individual residential wastewater treatment system, with dozens of systems appearing on the state-approved lists (including septic tanks, aerated wastewater treatment systems and sand filters). The new kid on the block is Orenco Systems Incorporated’s AdvanTex which, whilst new to Australia is well tested with over 20,000 systems installed across North America, New Zealand and parts of Europe since its launch in 2000.

Retractable sensor fitting

11 September, 2009 | Supplied by: Yokogawa Australia Pty Ltd

Yokogawa has developed a retractable sensor fitting that offers a flexible approach to online liquid analytical measurements in a wide range of process industries.

Food and beverage wastewater technologies

11 September, 2009 | Supplied by: Ovivo

Environmental technologies available in Australia have been used by one of the UK’s major independent beef and lamb producers to achieve net savings of 60% on wastewater disposal.

PSP alliance to build Sydney Water sewerage scheme at Appin

03 September, 2009

Sydney Water has extended the service delivery contract it has with the PSP Alliance to allow construction to start in mid-2010 on a sewerage scheme at Appin.

Disinfection systems receive UVDGM validation for drinking water use

27 August, 2009

Berson’s InLine+ series UV water disinfection systems are now fully validated in accordance with the USEPA UV Disinfection Guidance Manual (UVDGM).

NEWater plant in Singapore - first stage completed

07 August, 2009

Black & Veatch has announced that the first phase of the Sembcorp Changi NEWater Plant (SCNP) in Singapore was completed on schedule. The plant uses the main advanced water treatment process steps of micro-filtration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO) and ultraviolet radiation to produce NEWater, high-grade reclaimed water. When completed in 2010, the plant will supply 15% of Singapore’s current water needs.

Finucane Island water recycling project

28 July, 2009 | Supplied by: Cullys Pty Ltd

BHP Billiton, as one of Western Australia's big water users, has a target of 10% potable water saving documented into its environmental policy and sustainable growth strategies. The new administration and maintenance facility at Port Hedland's Finucane Island is part of BHP Billiton's Western Australian Rapid Growths Project (RGP4).

Heat exchangers for energy recovery

28 July, 2009 | Supplied by: Teralba Industries Pty Ltd

In the face of ever-increasing energy costs, many Australian and New Zealand manufacturers and service providers are using the Dimpleflo Modular Heat Exchangers to recover energy from any warm or hot product or effluent.

Wastewater treatment in Melbourne

28 July, 2009 | Supplied by: Hurll Nu-Way Pty Ltd

Enough sewage to fill 16 Olympic-sized swimming pools is processed each day by Yarra Valley Water treatment plants dotted around Melbourne. And because reliability is everything when it comes to sewage, it seems strange at first that many of the 17 Hurll Nu-Way Aerzen blowers at the front line of treatment are at least 10 years old, with some nearing 30 years of service.

Technology trials at wastewater treatment plant

28 July, 2009 | Supplied by: BiOWiSH Technologies

Over the past eight months, Bathurst Regional Council has been conducting a trial of a new technology that promises to offer significant improvements in energy consumption and the production of biosolids from sewage treatment.

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