Water > Management

Workshop on saving water flows in the 21st century

04 September, 2012

Australia’s leading experts in water research and management will gather at the University of Canberra today for the second day of a two-day workshop to address the challenges of sustaining Australia’s vital freshwater ecosystems.

Wastewater and conservation key to quenching global thirst

17 August, 2012

A review prepared by the University of Melbourne looks at new methods of water conservation and the need to transform policies and attitudes.

Australia ‘must help’ in world’s silent water menace

07 August, 2012

Australia should take a lead in tackling the emerging global crisis in groundwater, according to Professor Craig Simmons, Director of the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT).

Two new appointments to Hyder’s water team

02 August, 2012

On the back of its growing water business, Hyder Consulting has appointed two new Associate Business Directors for its water team - Colin Carr and Damien Abbott.

Improving knowledge of groundwater assets

26 July, 2012

A new cutting-edge research group has been launched to investigate the impact that the coal seam gas, mining and agriculture industries have on Queensland’s most valuable underground resource - water.

Real-time monitoring for flood predictability

23 July, 2012

The Thiess Services’ Portable Automated Logger System or PALS was recently used for flood monitoring in Victoria. 10 PALS units were deployed to the field to monitor the level and duration of flood inundation. Each unit took only a couple hours to deploy before it began transmitting real-time data at 10-minute intervals back to the hosted website.

Water management trails climate change on the boardroom agenda

29 June, 2012

The CDP Water Disclosure Australia Report, launched yesterday by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), finds that only 55% of the ASX 100 companies that responded to the CDP Water questionnaire report board-level oversight of water-related policies, strategies or plans.

Australia “needs national groundwater strategy”

13 June, 2012

Australia will not have enough fresh water to meet the combined needs of a rapidly growing population, expanding industries and conservation of native landscapes in the mid-21st century if it fails to articulate a national groundwater strategy for the future. The caution comes from two of the nation’s most eminent water scientists, Professor Craig Simmons and Professor Peter Cook of the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NGCRT).

Experts to gather to promote healthy waterways

12 June, 2012

Leaders in water-quality management and research will gather at CQUniversity Mackay to share ideas and work towards protecting the Mackay Whitsunday catchments at the Healthy Waterways Symposium from 13-15 June.

New turf at golf course to save council thousands

04 June, 2012

Strathfield Council has completed a major sustainability project at Hudson Park Golf Course using turf which could deliver potential savings of up to $40,000 annually.

Queensland Urban Utilities to participate in $100 million critical water research program

30 May, 2012

Queensland Urban Utilities will invest $1 million over nine years to participate in the newly established Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Water Sensitive Cities. The centre will undertake a national research program, which aims to revolutionise urban water management in Australia by influencing and guiding more than $100 billion in water investments and $550 billion in private sector urban investment over the next 15 years.

National water modelling scheme to improve Australia’s water management

30 May, 2012

Australia’s first national river-basin modelling platform, Source, was formally launched yesterday by Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water, the Hon Don Farrell, at eWater’s Source 2012 Conference. Senator Farrell also announced nearly $4 million of Australian Government funding to support the application of the platform across Australia, with funding matched by the NSW, Victorian, Queensland, South Australian, ACT and Northern Territory governments.

Remembering the past and looking to the future: Ozwater’12

11 May, 2012

This year, Ozwater’12 was held in Darling Harbour, Sydney. Russell Dawson, Leader, Koomurri Aboriginal Dance Company, welcomed everyone to country with his fabulous didgeridoo performance and Peter Robinson, Director, Australian Water Association (AWA), chaired the opening ceremony.

Huge scope to store water underground

07 May, 2012

There is potential to store large volumes of Australia’s precious fresh water underground, to offset climate change, avoid evaporation losses and meet national water needs into the future, leading water scientists say. Following a major national scientific workshop in Canberra, researchers in the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) say that managed aquifer recharge - the injection or infiltration of excess surface water into underground aquifers - could help secure the nation’s water supplies for an uncertain future.

New organisation to lead the way in water training

07 May, 2012

The Australian Water Association (AWA) and Opus International Consultants (Opus) have announced the arrival of a new registered training organisation for the water sector, AWA Opus Water Industry Training Institute (WITI).

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