Accelerating our 'resource recovery' future
01 May, 2021There is a growing appetite for change with an opportunity to build a clean, safe and sustainable world. Jim Fairweather, CEO of ResourceCo, discusses...
Corn by-product used to clean water
28 April, 2021US researchers have found a way of recycling the by-product of corn and turning it into a material that helps clean water.
Hospital food waste fuels green electricity
26 April, 2021Epworth HealthCare has recycled nearly 30 tonnes of food waste, medical PVC and employee uniforms, turning these items into electricity, garden hose and stuffing.
Kingsfield estate embraces sustainable roads
19 April, 2021Melbourne-based property group Moremac is adopting an array of sustainability initiatives for its Kingsfield estate in the city's north-west.
Beer waste gets a second life
16 April, 2021US researchers have found a way to extract the protein and fibre from spent grain and use it to create new types of protein sources and biofuels.
Educating the next generation on the good, bad and ugly side of plastics
13 April, 2021In March 2021, schools across NSW and Victoria commenced the Plastic Oceans Australasia (POA) Schools Program, sponsored by Veolia Australia and New Zealand.
The sustainability initiative helping local wineries save
08 April, 2021Seeing countless wine box dividers going into paper recycling every month, wine merchant Michael Zitzlaff thought there must be a way to reuse them.
Circularity — a crucial part of product development
07 April, 2021Circularity needs to be considered from the initial design process, otherwise it's already too late.
Winning design that turns peanut waste into packaging
06 April, 2021A student-led packaging design that turns peanut waste into packaging for a food company has won a global award for sustainable innovative packaging.
TSA accredited by Australian Government
23 March, 2021Tyre Stewardship Australia's scheme has been recognised as best practice product stewardship by the federal government.
Courier service helps Aussies recycle unwanted textiles
22 March, 2021A partnership has resulted in 3989 textile collection bookings and 73,045 kg of textiles avoiding landfill, and saved 292,178 kg of greenhouse gases.
Waste survey finds >80% of food packaging unfit for home recycling
03 March, 2021A survey assessing 82 popular food products has found that more than 80% feature packaging that cannot be put into home recycling bins.
Soft plastics cement Wyndham City's active transport strategy
02 March, 2021An innovative concrete mix incorporating soft plastic has been used to build a footpath in Werribee, Victoria.
Packaged together
05 February, 2021 by Brent GazzanigaSally Williams (Sustainable Sally) joins forces with the Martogg Group in a combined effort to promote Australian, sustainable packaging solutions to brands and consumers.
Plastic waste pyrolysis ash converted to flash graphene
29 January, 2021Chemists from Rice University in Texas have converted pyrolysed ash from plastic recycling into graphene using a Joule heating process.