
Advancing sustainability

18 September, 2007

The House Environment Committee has tabled its report 'Sustainability for survival: creating a climate for change', recommending the establishment of a national Sustainability Commissioner, Commission and Charter. The report argues that strong Australian government leadership is required to advance sustainability.

Carbon market in crisis

14 September, 2007

It has emerged this week that the future of the NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policy is on rocky ground.

Sustainable practice recognised

10 September, 2007

A new sustainability category has been added to the Victorian building industry’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) awards, conducted by the Building Commission.

Trees please for APEC partners

06 September, 2007

Australian scientists are training foresters in neighbouring APEC countries to use the Australian Greenhouse Office's National Carbon Accounting Toolbox (NCAT) to assess carbon sequestration in native and plantation forests.

'Engine of the reef' revealed

04 September, 2007

A team of coral researchers has taken a major stride towards revealing the workings of the 'engine' that drives Australia's Great Barrier Reef and corals the world over.

Launch of carbon trading exchange

03 September, 2007

ACX (Australian Climate Exchange) has launched the Melbourne-based carbon trading exchange.

Walk to work day

30 August, 2007

National Walk to Work Day (WTWD) will be held around Australia on Friday 5 October 2007 to promote better health and a cleaner environment. By registering, individuals, businesses and organisations can help to improve our health and environment, while supporting four major Australian charities.

Eureka! CSIRO wins for climate change research

28 August, 2007

Dr John Church of CSIRO has been awarded the 2007 University of New South Wales Eureka Prize for Scientific Research.

Roundtable for climate change leaders

22 August, 2007

The Ethos Foundation and Green Cross Australia are presenting a one-day ‘Leading for the Future’ roundtable on climate change at Queensland Parliament House on Wednesday 29 August.

Oil and gas body targets a nuclear future

15 August, 2007

Nuclear power could be as cheap as coal if the cost of carbon capture and storage is considered, according to Professor Peter Johnston, head of physics at RMIT and panel member of the 2006 federal government review into the nuclear industry.

Private equity makes waves into Aussie water industry

08 August, 2007

An Australian-owned and run water technology provider has completed its third major acquisition in 18 months and has also found a private equity partner to enable further expansion.

New initiative to sustain dwindling water resources

01 August, 2007

Australia’s International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management (ICE WaRM) has launched an important initiative to help tackle the water crisis head-on – a post-graduate program to train the new leaders who will spearhead the management of our scarce water resources.

Water sustainability project underway in Gippsland

31 July, 2007

The Gippsland region of Victoria is embarking on a new era in water sustainability with construction underway on the Gippsland Water Factory project.

A step forward for climate change research in NZ

30 July, 2007

Motu Economic and Public Policy Research has been awarded close to $1.7 million of Foundation for Research, Science and Technology funding for nearly four years of research on the economics of climate change and its impact on New Zealand.

Emissions trading and what it means for Australian businesses

25 July, 2007 by Carolyn Jackson, Editor

The federal government's long awaited plan on emissions trading was recently announced, with an increase on spending by $627million

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