Industry News
Federal opposition unveils ‘blueprint’ for climate change
Federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley unveiled in March the Labor Party’s new blueprint for tackling climate change, including a commitment to reduce emissions by 60% by 2050.
[ + ]Results of the 2006 National Pollution Inventory
The 2006 National Pollution Inventory (NPI) has shown that the majority of measured contaminants and emissions being discharged into Australia’s environment is decreasing, particularly in relation to mining operations and water management.
[ + ]Rules to open up Sydney’s wastewater
The NSW government has accepted recommendations from the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal to reform the Sydney water industry.
[ + ]The BCSE Waste to Energy - A Guide for Local Authorities
The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) has developed a Waste to Energy guide, with funding support from the Australian Greenhouse Office (part of the Department of Environment and Heritage).
[ + ]Another win in water quality battle
The National Environment Centre and CSIRO have combined resources in the identification of water algae, through offering specialised training to the water industry.
[ + ]NSW government continues fight on climate change
Retailers will have to offer an optional 10% Green Power component on new residential customer accounts under an ambitious greenhouse action plan that was unveiled by the NSW Premier, the Hon Morris Iemma, recently.
[ + ]HK Eco Expo Asia
Eco Expo Asia will be held from the 27-30 October at the recently opened Asia-World Expo venue, in Hong Kong.
[ + ]Nominations for the Banksia Awards now open
Nominations for the prestigious Banksia Environmental Awards are now open, providing a way for organisations to be recognised for their contribution to sustainability, environmental conservation and protection.
[ + ]Energy self-sufficient buildings a reality
An alliance of global companies has announced that energy self-sufficient buildings are a reality. The buildings will be designed and constructed so that they will use no energy from external power grids, are carbon neutral, and can be built and operated at fair market values.
[ + ]Give your paint back
Residents of Victoria can now get rid of unwanted household paint by taking advantage of the free service, Paintback, which aims to keep paint out of the garbage and away from drains where it poses a threat to the environment.
[ + ]Joint venture into biodiesel production
Transpacific Industries Group (TPI) and Australian Renewable Fuels (ARF) have formed a 50/50 unincorporated joint venture to develop a biodiesel production facility in Brisbane, Queensland.
[ + ]On-site sewage system danger
Installing on-site sewage systems in the wrong soil types can lead to potential environmental and health hazards, a Queensland University of Technology researcher has warned.
[ + ]Mathematical model to calculate polluted groundwater
Dutch researcher Phil Ham has developed a mathematical model to calculate the natural degradation capacity of polluted groundwater.
[ + ]Potential reduction in CO2 levels
Australia could eliminate more than 90 % of the CO2 from convention coal-fired power stations after the CRC for Coal in Sustainable Development (CCSD) signed a memorandum of understanding as a supporting partner to the next stage of the Callide Oxy-fuel project.
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