Industry News
Australian-made solar power to power airport
BP Solar has started working to manufacture and supply Australian-made solar panels to Adelaide Airport so that the state’s commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) system could begin operating by the middle of this year.
[ + ]Australians want climate change solutions at home
A survey of more than 2000 households in Queensland, Victoria, NSW and South Australia has revealed that more than 75% of Australians want to reduce energy consumption in the home and implement a rapid response to climate change.
[ + ]Funding for desalination vessel
Water Standard Company has received up to US$250 million in equity funding to develop its solution to help ease the world’s growing water crisis.
[ + ]Program to offset carbon emissions
Greening Australia and the Tasmanian government entered into an Australian-first partnership today following Premier Lennon’s announcement in state parliament regarding the government’s commitment to reducing and offsetting carbon emissions.
[ + ]Closed-loop recycling program implementation
Sydney’s ANZ Stadium has set the precedent for recycling and environmental initiatives among stadiums in NSW by implementing a closed-loop recycling program at its 80,000 seat Homebush Bay site.
[ + ]World Environment Day guests confirmed
NZ Environment Minister Trevor Mallard has announced that Dr Rajendra Pachauri (UN Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change Nobel Laureate), President Tong of Kiribati and Achim Steiner (United Nations Environment Programme executive director) will be coming to New Zealand to help celebrate the internationally recognised World Environment Day on 5 June.
[ + ]Groundwater hydrology lectures announced
EnviroEquip, in conjunction with In-Situ Inc, has introduced the Groudwater Hydrology Lectures. The lectures will be presented by Dr Ted Way, a senior hydrologist and educator with over 40 years of experience.
[ + ]Irrigation conference to be opened by Water Minister
The Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, will officially open the Irrigation Australia 2008 conference and deliver the first keynote address in May.
[ + ]Conference gets government support
Enviro 08, Australia’s Environmental and Sustainability Conference and Exhibition is set for Melbourne Exhibition Conference Centre 5 -7 May.
[ + ]Calls for increased recycling and a reduction of greenhouse gases
Diageo Australia has announced its support for having effective means of recycling and reducing greenhouse gases following calls by Senator Steve Fielding, as well as those made recently by Clean Up Australia founder Ian Kiernan, for an effective national container recycling scheme.
[ + ]Companies team up to form next-generation carbon sink business
Patersons Capital Partners (PCP) plans to examine the potential to establish one of the world’s largest new-generation carbon sequestration and bioenergy businesses.
[ + ]Clearer picture of the Murray-Darling's future
The latest issue of ECOS reports on a massive research effort to accurately map the Murray-Darling Basin's surface water and groundwater resources.
[ + ]New requirement approved in NZ
A new requirement aimed at boosting the sustainable management of New Zealand's freshwater resources through the use of measurement devices has been approved by the government, Environment Minister Trevor Mallard and Agriculture Minister Jim Anderton announced today.
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