Industry News
Young environmentalists recognised
For the first time in 2008, Australia’s young environmentalists aged 15 to 25 can apply for the Environment Minister’s Young Environmentalist of the Year Award.
[ + ]Water management prize awarded
Dr Andrew Benedek, Canadian researcher and technopreneur, has received the inaugural Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize in Singapore for outstanding contributions in the world of water management.
[ + ]Call for applications
Carbon to be the biggest global commodity market by 2012
Adapting to the emerging carbon constrained economy will become vital to business success in the face of increasing regulation and pressure from consumers according to Carbon Planet.
[ + ]Online climate tools benefit farmers
Two tools released as part of a Bureau of Meteorology project will make it possible for farmers to find out more about rainfall and climate.
[ + ]Water industry to address skills shortage
Organic farmers have internal carbon advantage
Biological Farmers of Australia, an Australian organic representative group, says certified organic farm systems have contributed to carbon storage through soil sequestration for years.
[ + ]Acquisition powers growth
Eimco Water Technologies Limited has acquired AJM Environmental Services Pty Ltd to expand its activities in Australia.
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Forums and workshops add value to conference
Forums have been added to the program for the biennial Irrigation Australia 2008 Exhibition and Conference to discuss key issues confronting the irrigation industry in rural and urban Australia.
[ + ]Desert Knowledge Australia and Alice Solar City partnership announced
Desert Knowledge Australia and Alice Solar City have announced a strategic partnership to maximise benefits to both parties through cooperation and collaboration.
[ + ]Queensland businesses set to become ‘greener’
Queensland small and medium businesses have further reason to become more ‘green’ following the introduction of a $50 million Queensland government policy.
[ + ]Seminars on sustainable design
Anyone wanting to understand how design choices impact on the energy efficiency of a building is encouraged to attend the BRANZ sustainable design seminars. The seminar is aimed specifically at architects and building designers, however, anyone with an interest in energy-efficient design is encouraged to register and attend.
[ + ]Solid waste contract in Australia
Virotec has entered into a contract to supply ViroFlow Technology solid waste treatment services to Nyrstar Hobart.
[ + ]Electronic waste recycling milestone
The Byteback electronic waste recycling program has reached a significant milestone by preventing over 1000 tonnes of greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere, announced the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) and Sims e-Recycling.
[ + ]Program manager appointed
Thames Water has appointed CH2M HILL as program manager for the Thames Tideway Tunnel scheme — to help deliver a ‘super-sewer’ that will prevent overflows from London’s sewers entering the River Thames.
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