Industry News
Sustainability research to be boosted by institute
Research into sustainability will be boosted by the Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute. Headed by sustainability expert Prof Peter Newman, the institute is a multidisciplinary research centre that undertakes research focused on sustainable cities and regions, and sustainable global development, politics, policy and economics.
[ + ]National conference to promote sustainability
An alliance of Australian universities has invited business, industry, government, schools and TAFE to a united conference to promote partnerships that will lead to improved sustainability.
[ + ]Dangerous climate at peak science showcase
Rising sea levels, drought and rainfall will all be experienced in Canberra in the first week of May when ‘Dangerous climate change’ is featured at the Academy of Science’s peak annual event, Science at the Shine Dome.
[ + ]Economic analysis of the proposed emissions trading scheme
The New Zealand Institute of Economic Research says it is well advanced with a study of the likely costs to the New Zealand economy of the Emissions Trading Scheme on which the Finance and Expenditure Committee is hearing submissions.
[ + ]Competition presents eco-future of home appliances
A compact washing machine that uses nuts that grow on trees rather than laundry detergent; a device that turns plastic shopping bags into compost; and a detergent-free compact dishwasher that uses the cleaning power of water alone are the products emerging from Electrolux’s Design Lab competition.
[ + ]Going Green Expo opens on World Environment Day
The Going Green Expo 2008 will provide businesses and consumers with the opportunity to explore a wide range of ‘green’ consumables, commercial products and technologies which offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to life in the workplace and at home.
[ + ]Calls for a national task force on carbon capture and storage
In what is being touted as an historical alliance, the heads of the Australian Coal Association (ACA), Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union (CFMEU), The Climate Institute (CI) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have called on the federal government to establish a national carbon capture and storage taskforce to combat climate change.
[ + ]Survey identifies impact of skills shortages
An Australian national survey assessing the impact of the skills shortage on the operations of water utilities has identified that the industry is facing an 8600 employee shortfall by 2017 at a time of increasing infrastructure development.
[ + ]Industry seeks ongoing commitment to managing packaging waste
The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) has called on Environment Ministers to reject calls for a national container deposit system ahead of discussions at the Environment Protection and Heritage Council meeting in Melbourne.
[ + ]New water know-how on show at Beltana
A preview of Australia's best knowledge for saving money and water in the pastoral industry will be unveiled at the Beltana Field Day in South Australia, 23 April 2008.
[ + ]Conference features four new highlights
After reviewing the profiles of last year’s exhibitors and visitors, Eco Expo Asia returns in 2008 with four new highlights: Air Quality, Eco-friendly Product, Energy Efficiency and Waste & Recycling.
[ + ]Conference tracks pollution across Australia
The National Pollutant Inventory contains 10 years of data on the emission of pollutants from industrial and non-industrial sources across Australia.
[ + ]Australia's Solar Cities model heads to China
BP Solar has welcomed the announcement made by Prime Minister Rudd to provide support to the north-eastern Chinese city of Weihai in its effort to become the largest solar city in the world.
[ + ]Green IT hits the CIO radar
Adoption of eco-friendly computing is fast emerging as a priority for technology decision makers. A report by independent market analyst Datamonitor, 2008 Trends to Watch: Green IT, predicts a surge in CIO interest and vendor initiatives in the green IT space.
[ + ]Membranes used in desalination
According to Tom Pankratz, a director of the International Desalination Association (IDA) and editor of the weekly Water Desalination Report, membranes that employ nanofiltration or reverse osmosis technologies to remove salt from water also effectively and consistently remove most organic compounds classified as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disruptors (EDCs).
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