Defender Ultra Fine Filter has been Climate Care Certified

The Climate Care Certification Program is an initiative of the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia Ltd (SPASA). It is the industry’s efficiency and sustainability certification program.
Defender Ultra Fine Filter
The Defender® media filter significantly eliminates the amount of backwash water associated with sand filter operation.
Instead of backwashing, the Defender filter is programmed to automatically “bump” to regenerate the fine-grade perlite media for a fresh start.
Eventually the filter will become saturated with trapped dirt and will require a quick and easy media discharge and replacement.
Depending on bather load, the life cycle of the media averages around every four weeks.
- Eliminates more than 90% of the backwash water associated normal sand filter operation
- Energy savings achieved through lower head pressure and elimination of backwash
- Removes particles down to 1 micron
- Smaller design and installation footprint
Energy and chemicals savings
The dramatic reduction of backwash waste directly translates to savings in make-up water along with the chemicals and fuel for re-heating. Consider the cost of chemically treating 1.4 million gallons and the BTUs required to heat this volume from 50 degrees (10°C) to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27°C).
It is also important to note that the improved water quality generated by the Defender filter’s ability to remove finer particles will also save on general chemical consumption.
Estimated annual savings ranges from $42,000 to $52,000 depending on local fuel costs for oil, gas or electricity. Based on the backwash water consumption of a typical waterpark attraction with a 2000 GPM (454 m3/h) recirculation rate.
Construction savings
More savings are derived from the smaller construction footprint for the Defender filter.
This results in as little as one-fourth to one-sixth of the space required by an equivalently sized sand system, saving installation and rigging time. The lesser operating weight of the Defender filter reduces the extent to which the floor slab must be engineered. With building costs at an estimated $75 to $150 per square foot, selecting a Defender filter could generate construction savings in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Additional construction benefits:
- No backwash holding tank
- Small waste line to sewer
- Local backwash to waste flow rate restrictions are no longer an issue
- Operating weight may be as little as 10% of a similar sized sand filter
Power savings
Defender media filters reduce head loss (vs. sand) to save motor horsepower operational cost.
Starting differential pressures for a high-rate sand filter, depending on the media, could range from 4 to 6 psi (27.6 to 41.4 kPa). In contrast, the starting differential of the Defender filter is approximately 1 psi (6.9 kPa).
Converting this to head represents savings of nearly 12 feet (3.65 m) total dynamic head, or TDH, which translates to horsepower and energy savings. In most cases, the pump motor required for Defender filter recirculation is smaller than a sand filter. Utilising a 25 hp motor instead of a 30 hp unit would result in electricity savings of $3000 per year.
In waterparks with multiple attractions, the savings would be much more.
Water quality
The Defender filter will remove particles down to 1 micron. With the growing concerns about waterborne illnesses (WBI) such as cryptosporidiosis, the smaller the particle removal the better. The Defender filter is especially effective on pools with heavy bather loads because of the increased filter area and dirt holding capacity.
Defender filters will also retard the increase in turbidity. A major contributor to turbidity in pool water is the treatment chemicals, especially sodium hypochlorite. The improved filtration, along with the reduction of make-up water, cuts the chemical requirements and the associated turbidity buildup.
Findings from a recent study by the University of North Carolina on Cryptosporidium and particle removal from swimming pool water indicate:
- Pre-coat Filtration with both DE and perlite outperformed cartridge and sand filtration by a wide margin
- Single pass testing resulted in crypto removal of 99.9% using perlite media
- When testing 1-micron microsphere removal, perlite performed at 56.5% versus 20.2% for sand
More information:
Mobile: +61 (0) 407 484847
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