Sigrist AquaScat online turbidity analyser

Thursday, 09 August, 2012 | Supplied by: B-R Controls Pty Ltd

Sigrist AquaScat online turbidity analyser

The Swiss-made Sigrist AquaScat turbidity analyser uses a free-falling sample design in which the water sample is never in contact with the cell. The cell measures turbidity through the entire sample by the 90° scattered light principle (ISO 7027). This contactless design eliminates fouling and the necessity for regular cleaning.

Dependability of readings is enhanced by stable Zerodur optics calibration which is initiated automatically by the AquaScat WTMA or manually by the AquaScat WTM. Both units have a fine resolution of 0.001 NTU for low-turbidity monitoring.

For high-turbidity applications, the AquaScat HT will offer the same non-contact reliability in difficult applications. The AquaScat P is for applications under pressure. All AquaScat models have a range of 0-4000 NTU.

The operator interface is a touch-screen colour graphic display. The product features two 4-20 mA and a choice of digital outputs, and a data-logger which stores data onto its internal microSD card.

Phone: 02 9476 2133
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