White Papers/Resources

The Sustainability Matters Resource Library contains white papers, eBooks, webcasts, videos and technical papers to help you manage and solve work related problems. Select from a variety of application and technology related subjects, supplied by market-leading vendors or written by our editorial team.

Poor compressed air servicing bloats energy costs by 25%

Supplied by Atlas Copco Compressors on 30 June, 2015

Poorly maintained compressed air systems can increase energy costs by more than 25%. But businesses using compressed air often rely on ad hoc servicing, which is not sufficient to keep the systems in shape.

Energy management is no longer just for power hogs

Supplied by Siemens on 27 June, 2015

Companies that are not in energy-intensive industries, such as discrete manufacturers, have long been sceptical that investing in energy management pays off. But the endless drive towards efficiency, higher energy costs and stricter regulations are about to change the game.

Precise measurement key to biogas meeting its green promise

Supplied by AMS Instrumentation & Calibration on 28 May, 2015

Biogas produces clean, green electricity capable of helping reduce global CO2 and methane emissions. But producing biogas itself is a dirty process, prone to wide variations in operating conditions and product throughput.

Confined spaces in the water industry - the risks and how to address them

Supplied by MSA Australia on 27 February, 2015

Some of the worst places to work in are confined spaces, the main reason being that they are not built for that purpose - their purpose is the storage of equipment or they are used as an entry/exit point for inspections and tests, etc.

Don’t just go with the flow

Supplied by Emerson Process Management on 02 February, 2015

Magnetic flowmeters are ubiquitous in many water and wastewater industrial and residential applications. Most know the many benefits and importance of the accurate measurements achieved using magnetic flowmeters; however, many may not realise that diagnostic advances have made these instruments easier to use and even more valuable.

The top five ways to start reducing your energy costs

Supplied by Emerson Process Management on 18 December, 2014

Find out which are the top five energy measurement priorities to best initiate savings and eliminate waste.

Proper instrumentation can help you to identify where and how energy is being consumed, so that you can start using less and saving more.


Hidden energy savings: how your pumps can save you money - an eBook

Supplied by Westwick-Farrow Pty Ltd on 15 October, 2014

Unseen, and these days often unheard, pumps are at the very heart of most industrial processes. In fact, the huge number of pumps in action worldwide means that pumping systems account for a high percentage of the global energy use. But being ‘out of sight and out of mind’ and usually highly reliable, it is easy to ignore the impact pumps can have on bottom lines.

Save up to 15% of your company’s annual fuel cost

Supplied by Telogis on 11 September, 2014

Fuel is the largest fleet operating expense, so efficient fuel utilisation is essential for running a profitable business.

What does green retrofitting mean for you?

Supplied by Schneider Electric Clipsal Partner on 04 September, 2014

The new trend for designing sustainable, energy-efficient buildings has taken a further step: green retrofitting of existing corporate properties.

The human element of the Safety Advisor's job - things that can (and do) go wrong

Supplied by on 05 August, 2014

Health and Safety Advisors are the heart of the organization in terms of knowledge about health and safety issues and preventing incidents. However, they are still humans, which means that they too can make mistakes.

Improve operational efficiency and provide a better customer experience

Supplied by ClickSoftware Australia Pty Ltd on 30 June, 2014

The cloud has taken the place of expensive and often limited on-premise infrastructure. With unprecedented integration to back-office information, the data becomes a new value-creating capability.

Now, there is an even greater opportunity for transformational improvements in productivity and service levels. What is this innovation?


Magnetic flowmeters - improved technology delivers overall savings

Supplied by Emerson Process Management on 06 May, 2014

So many companies operate on status quo and lag behind when it comes to effective purchasing based on capital outlay versus ongoing operational cost...

Designing a metering system for small and medium-sized buildings

Supplied by Schneider Electric Clipsal Partner on 17 April, 2014

With rising energy costs, environmental pressures and unreliable power supply, there is a need for sustainable design and energy efficiency in new and existing commercial properties. There are a number of ways existing building owners and facilities managers can adapt and benefit by installing an effective WAGES (water, air, gas, electricity, steam) metering system. The ultimate goal is for buildings to produce more energy than they consume.

Tech tips to drive business growth and outpace your competitors

Supplied by Canon Australia Pty Ltd on 15 April, 2014

Two of the main obstacles to business growth are administrative and process inefficiencies. This white paper outlines some simple technology tips to help optimise your workplace and workflow systems to deliver strong growth where it counts – on the bottom line.

From theory to reality: 3 steps to implementing a sustainability programme

18 June, 2013

Software can play a vital role in making sustainability programmes tangible and measurable. Establishing objectives, engaging stakeholders, and evaluating short- and long-term needs are essential to ensuring a positive ROI. Sustainability strategies produce positive financial results and improve enterprise efficiency. A pivotal component of an effective sustainability strategy is software.

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