Fixed gas detectors
10 April, 2005 | Supplied by:
The Zellweger Analytics Zareba range of fixed point gas detection systems provides easy-to-use and affordable flammable, toxic and oxygen gas monitoring solutions that can be created by users selecting the most appropriate sensors and controllers for the application. As a result users can meet relevant safety requirements quickly and easily.
Gas hazard monitor
10 April, 2005 | Supplied by:
Crowcon's Gasmaster control panel monitors toxic and flammable gases in water and wastewater installations. The wall-mounted device displays all gas levels simultaneously on a large, multilingual LED display, allowing full system status checks at a glance.
Replaceable machinery filter
10 April, 2005 | Supplied by:
The Series FN1 filter designed for machine tool and general machinery industries has a patented element design and back-flush feature, which means it generates no industrial waste as there are no replaceable filter elements.
Sewage grinding pump station
10 April, 2005 | Supplied by:
The Mono Pumps model G60 Grifter package is an Australian designed and manufactured sewage grinding pump station for pressure sewer systems.