
Pharma companies getting serious about sustainability

18 June, 2008 by Kylie Wilson-Field

As little as 12 months ago, it was hard to imagine that businesses like pharmaceutical companies would begin to seriously address sustainability, but in a recent study, UK-based consultancy Envirowise, an independent advisory service that helps businesses reduce their environmental impact, found that financial and environmental benefits from resource efficiency could be achieved for pharmaceutical companies. Working closely with the sector, Envirowise says that it has become clear that growing legislation has had a fundamental impact on the drive to improve environmental management and resource efficiency in the industry.

The building blocks towards a more sustainable future

12 June, 2008 by Kylie Wilson-Field

Launched in 2002, the Green Building Council of Australia is a national, not-for-profit organisation, which says it is committed to developing a more sustainable property industry in Australia through the adoption of green building practices. The council, headed up by some of the property sector's most respected identities, has the support of both the industry and government and has recently announced that it has over 600 members.

SA winemakers and grape growers go green

10 June, 2008

Premier Mike Rann has announced an agreement that makes South Australian winemakers and grape growers the first industry group in the nation to accurately track and reduce greenhouse emissions.

Garrett opens climate law and policy centre

10 June, 2008

A legal research centre devoted to climate change will be officially opened at The Australian National University by Environment Minister Peter Garrett. The ANU Centre for Climate Law and Policy (CCLP) has been established in response to a growing awareness of the legal dimensions of global warming.

NZ firms join international climate neutral network

05 June, 2008

New Zealand businesses are set to strengthen their presence and leadership on the United Nations' Climate Neutral Network — with 16 joining so far and others poised to sign up, Environment Minister Trevor Mallard said at a Wellington meeting of the international network.

Cleantechnology industry online portal launched

05 June, 2008

To facilitate more efficient business, government and research interaction, an online industry portal that will define the 'cleantech' sector in Australia has been created. The portal depicts over 350 Australian companies with original products and services in the sector and it is anticipated that many more will be added over the next few months.

Wastewater projects win international prize

28 May, 2008

Two of Murdoch University’s PhD students have won international Huber Technology Prizes in Munich, Germany. The prize rewards ideas, concepts and results of research that are a contribution to the re-use of energy and valuable materials from wastewater.

Scholarship awarded

26 May, 2008

Waikato University postgraduate student Lisa van den Berg is one of three recipients of a Dick and Mary Earle Scholarship in Technology for 2008. Lisa’s thesis investigates the bio-resins derived from waste proteins of the meat industry.

Forum helps business go green

22 May, 2008

Companies in the printing, manufacturing and electroplating industries can learn how to cut waste and cut their costs, at a free forum hosted by the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change.

Conference focuses on leading sustainable reform

22 May, 2008

The PACIA National Conference is on in Melbourne 16–18 June at the Bayview on the Park. The theme of the conference is Leading sustainable reform — a climate for change.

REM/SKM merger announced

21 May, 2008

South Australian environmental consultancy REM has merged with Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) to form a groundwater assessment and management centre of excellence.

UniSA thinks budget misses sustainability

19 May, 2008

For Australia's economy to be sustainable, nation-building investment is critical, but the Rudd/Swan budget didn't deliver on sustainability, according to UniSA academic, Dr Geoffrey Wells.

Efficient use of compressed air

19 May, 2008 by Bill Blyth*

Compressed air is often the highest energy cost for many businesses, but unfortunately this resource is often seen as unlimited. It is therefore important that this valuable energy source be utilised efficiently, in all processes, at all times.

Budget to improve sustainability

19 May, 2008

The Rudd government’s budget has been slammed by the Liberal party as letting Australian families down, but has it let down business and the environment? With billions of dollars promised to help combat climate change, how has the money been spent and how will it affect business? Presented below is a summary of the budget initiatives that are aimed to work with Australian businesses to help tackle climate change.

Briefing session on carbon management

19 May, 2008

The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI), which in partnership with EPA Victoria created Grow Me The Money, is holding a briefing session on carbon management for small to medium businesses.

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