
Applications open for community greenhouse action

26 June, 2006

The Australian Government plans to help local communities, businesses and councils take action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions with the availability of grants totalling almost $2.2 million.

Alternative fuel proves to be more cost effective than fossil fuels

23 June, 2006, a company aimed at spreading information about alternative fuels has introduced instructions for making inexpensive alternative fuels at home.

Planting trees continues to be an effective greenhouse tactic

05 June, 2006

A multidisciplinary team from the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Greenhouse Accounting, the Australian National University, CSIRO, Ensis and the University of New South Wales has reaffirmed the value of tree planting to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Six out of 10 support cash incentives for climate-friendly cars

18 May, 2006

More than six out of 10 New Zealanders back a policy proposal to provide Government cash grants to people buying fuel efficient, low emission cars.

Sieves could put a lid on greenhouse gas

10 May, 2006

Brisbane and German scientists have teamed up in a $4.2 million project to build and test microscopic sieves that could potentially trap environmentally destructive greenhouse gases before they escape coal-fired power stations and refineries.

Energy self-sufficient buildings a reality

26 April, 2006

An alliance of global companies has announced that energy self-sufficient buildings are a reality. The buildings will be designed and constructed so that they will use no energy from external power grids, are carbon neutral, and can be built and operated at fair market values.

Joint venture into biodiesel production

20 April, 2006

Transpacific Industries Group (TPI) and Australian Renewable Fuels (ARF) have formed a 50/50 unincorporated joint venture to develop a biodiesel production facility in Brisbane, Queensland.

Ventilation and indoor air quality analysis

18 April, 2006 | Supplied by:

Indoor air quality checks provide information about whether employees are working in an agreeable climate.

Air pollution control system

18 April, 2006 | Supplied by:

The Cleanswitch modular oxidiser is a regenerative thermal oxidiser (RTO) that is claimed to remove 99-plus per cent of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) without using a VOC entrapment system.

Cycling towards cleaner energy resources

05 April, 2006

Six young Australians are circumnavigating the continent powered only by pedal power (bicycles) and a van powered by vegetable oil.

New playground for solar energy researchers

04 April, 2006

National and international solar thermal energy researchers now have a unique research facility available to them.

Making a profit from renewable energies

29 March, 2006

One of the world’s best-known oil and gas exploration and production companies is set to become move into alternative renewable energies through its involvement in the development of solar power.

Victorians leading the take up of Green Power

21 March, 2006

Victorians are leading the way in signing up to the Green Power iniative, Victorian Environment Minister, John Thwaites, and Minister for Energy Resources and Industries, Theo Theophanous announced recently.

Sustainability diagnostic tool

21 March, 2006 | Supplied by:

A website diagnostic tool has been developed to assess a company's ability to manage stakeholders and help it rate their sustainability performance.

GasBadge Plus gas monitor

21 March, 2006 | Supplied by: Industrial Scientific Corporation

The GasBadge Plus single gas monitor provides low-cost, personal protection from dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, nitrogen dioxide or sulfur dioxide.

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