Qld Govt refuses part of Wanless Recycling Park project
Part of the Ministerial Call In for the development application for the Wanless Recycling Park in Ipswich has been refused by the Queensland Government.
“The department assessed this application and considered a range of factors to inform expert advice to me,” said Deputy Premier Steven Miles.
Following this advice from the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, Miles has approved the resource recovery facility and waste transfer station and refused the landfill and void rehabilitation components of the development application.
According to Miles, the department recommended the refusal of the landfill and void rehabilitation components due to no demonstrated requirement for additional landfill capacity, insufficient economic benefit, non-compliance with applicable planning instruments and significant community concern and opposition.
“The proposed resource recovery facility and waste transfer station facility supports the government’s vision for a zero-waste society, supports jobs and contributes to the local economy,” he said.
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