Sustainability > Legislation

Carbon tax finally repealed

17 July, 2014 by Lauren Davis

The carbon tax was given the axe today as senators voted for the scheme's repeal.

National container deposit scheme claimed to cost $8bn

15 July, 2014

The Daily Telegraph claims to have obtained a secret government report, written in March this year, which contains figures for a proposed national container deposit scheme (CDS). Such a scheme could cost consumers $8 billion a year - up from the $1.4 billion originally estimated.

PUP senators block carbon tax repeal

10 July, 2014 by Lauren Davis

The Abbott government was dealt a massive blow today as senators from the Palmer United Party (PUP) withdrew their support for the repeal of the carbon tax.

Government policies bolstering China's renewable energy capacity

27 June, 2014

Research and consulting firm GlobalData has revealed that China's renewable energy capacity increased from 27.8 GW in 2001 to 183 GW in 2013, and looks set to continue rising.

CEFC saved by the Senate

19 June, 2014

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) was saved yesterday after the Senate, led by the Labor Party and Greens, rejected legislation to abolish the scheme for a second time.

AWA welcomes investment in water

18 June, 2014

NSW Treasurer Andrew Constance has handed down the 2014-15 Budget for NSW. The state government's investment in the water industry has been welcomed by the Australian Water Association (AWA).

Green paper on Developing Northern Australia

11 June, 2014

Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss has released the green paper on Developing Northern Australia. The development of the region is a priority for the Australian Government, the minister said.

Murray-Darling Water Recovery Strategy released

02 June, 2014

The Australian Government has released the Water Recovery Strategy - its proposal to deliver on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan on time and in full, with priority given to water-saving infrastructure investments.

VEET scheme to close

22 May, 2014

The Victorian Government has announced the closure of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) scheme. The scheme had been under review since July 2013, to determine whether it should continue for a third phase from 2015 to 2017.

Sustainability sector hits back at Budget

14 May, 2014 by Lauren Davis

In last night's announcement of the 2014-15 Federal Budget, Treasurer Joe Hockey attracted ire from several sections of the sustainability sector.

CSIRO cuts opposed by Greens and Labor

16 April, 2014 by Lauren Davis

Fairfax Media has revealed that science body CSIRO is bracing for a May budget cut of up $150 million, or more than 20% of its total government funding, with the organisation’s top executive team modelling a range of scenarios based around this outcome.

Emissions Reduction Fund faces challenges, says pitt&sherry

18 March, 2014

Carbon and energy specialist pitt&sherry has submitted its comments on the proposed Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The consultancy claims the fund faces significant design challenges, and to fail these would risk budget outcomes, national emission targets and Australia's standing in international climate change negotiations.

Quarterly BAS lodgement due by 28 February

25 February, 2014

Businesses who lodge their business activity statement (BAS) each quarter are required to do so by 28 February 2014 for the October-December 2013 period.

Report on the failure of electricity privatisation

20 February, 2014

Economist Professor John Quiggin has released the report 'Electricity Privatisation in Australia: A Record of Failure'. The report examines 20 years of pro-privatisation reform, including a detailed economic examination of the outcomes of power sales in Victoria and South Australia.

NZ Green Party launches Solar Homes policy

17 February, 2014

New Zealand's Green Party yesterday announced a policy intended to make it easier for households to afford solar power, thus removing a key barrier to the uptake of the technology.

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