Storing electricity for the future
19 March, 2013A report released in January 2013 by the Clean Energy Council has found that the market for energy storage technology in Australia will be equivalent to several coal-fired power stations by 2030, effectively transforming the way we think about electricity for our homes and businesses.
Battery solution for energy distributor
17 March, 2013ABB, together with the Canton of Zurich’s power company (EKZ), has successfully installed a 1 MW power battery solution at the Dietikon Powerplant.
Tallest timber apartment building signals change in construction industry
15 March, 2013The completion of Forté - the world’s tallest, and Australia’s greenest, timber apartment building - heralds a new paradigm in Australia’s construction industry.
Fracking under pressure as investors call for risk reporting and reduction
21 February, 2013Investors have called on oil and gas companies to disclose critical information about the ways they are managing and measuring the risks associated with hydraulic fracturing operations and shale gas transmission.
In my opinion: Why do building owners settle for less?
20 February, 2013 by Bob Sharon, CEO, Green Global ConsultingIt’s an all-too-common story with building retrofits that owners opt for a litany of bandaid solutions rather than a holistic approach.
Massive benefits for electricity system in store for the future
01 February, 2013A report released by the Clean Energy Council has found that the market for energy storage technology in Australia will be equivalent to several coal-fired power stations by 2030, effectively transforming the way we think about electricity for our homes and businesses.
Full speed ahead for e-mobility
22 January, 2013A million electric cars on Germany’s roads by 2020. This is the ambitious target set by the Federal Government in its bid to continue the battle against CO2 emissions. It believes that e-mobility is a significant key technology to create a sustainable transport system for the future, especially where the power is produced from renewable energy sources.
Meeting the challenge of storing green energy
21 January, 2013Gildemeister Energy Solutions (a DMG company) has developed the CellCube, a powerful, durable and low-maintenance vanadium redox flow large-scale storage solution, following many years of research.
Electrical training and certification program
17 January, 2013The EcoXpert training and certification program is designed to give medium-sized electrical contractors the necessary skills to become certified energy experts so they can develop new services and meet the changing energy needs of their customer base. The program helps contractors advise, sell and install a broad range of pre-engineered energy solutions across small to medium-sized commercial, industrial buildings and high-end residential applications.
Lighting up the new year with unbreakable bulbs
16 January, 2013Scientists at Wake Forest University have made a new kind of light from mouldable plastic, which can glow in any colour, won’t shatter and won’t leave you with the problem of searching for the one bad bulb on a strand of dozens.
Service contract for Melbourne Airport 8 MW trigeneration facility
15 January, 2013MWM Energy Australia, the local subsidiary of the German-based gas genset manufacturer, has been awarded the service contract for the Melbourne Airport trigeneration facility.
Calling wannabe time travellers
15 November, 2012Australians can now take a peek at what will power Australia in 2050 with just the click of a mouse.
Process combustion: money to burn?
07 November, 2012 by Tony Kelly, Product Sales Specialist, Hurll Nu-WaySelecting a burner for any process heating application always involves a choice between different burner models and different burner sizes. Both will have a significant effect on product quality and system efficiency.
ABB dry-type transformers
07 November, 2012The EcoDry low-loss transformer, TriDry triangular transformer and PoleDry transformers can provide improved efficiency, safety and eco-compatibility for utility, oil and gas, and mining industries.
Countries counter environmental damage with clean coal technologies
02 November, 2012Countries are attempting to balance global warming and the continued use of fossil fuels by developing clean coal technologies, states a new report by GlobalData.