Energy > Emission control

Emissions and coal generation rising, says report

10 March, 2014

Consultancy company pitt&sherry has released the latest edition of its Carbon Emissions Index (Cedex). The report found that annual NEM generation for the year ending February 2014 continued to fall - but for the first time in two years, associated emissions slightly increased.

Controlling air flow decreases pollutants in piston engines

18 February, 2014

The Kansas State University Research Foundation, a non-profit corporation, has received a patent for a system that controls the air flow to pistons in reciprocating internal combustion engines.

EDVs have little impact on emissions, says study

24 January, 2014

North Carolina State University researchers have conducted a study into hybrid, plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles (electric drive vehicles, or EDVs) in order to predict their potential impact on emissions.

Coca-Cola installs millionth HFC-free cooler

23 January, 2014

The Coca-Cola Company has installed its millionth hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)-free cooler using natural refrigerant in the marketplace. The milestone marks significant progress in the company's effort to phase out the use of HFC refrigerant in Coca-Cola dispensers, vending machines and coolers.

New Zealand's emissions rising

04 December, 2013

New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has revealed that the country currently ranks sixth worst for emissions increases since 1990 among those who have signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Coal-fired electricity can't compete with renewables, says study

06 September, 2013

Researchers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), modelling a range of fossil-fuel scenarios against the cost of 100% renewable energy in 2030, have found that coal-fired electricity may have little or no economic future in Australia - even if carbon capture and storage (CCS) becomes commercially available.

Greens welcome World Bank decision to offload coal

19 July, 2013

The Australian Greens have welcomed reports that the World Bank will no longer fund coal-fired power stations in poor countries.

Improving monitoring of emissions from coal seam gas production

16 April, 2013

The Gillard government is moving to improve measurement and reporting of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere from coal seam gas (CSG) exploration and production. A discussion paper released today sets out proposals to introduce new CSG-specific measurement and estimation methods into Australia’s greenhouse gas reporting framework.

Carbon pollution declines as economy grows

16 April, 2013

National Greenhouse Accounts released yesterday show Australia’s carbon pollution fell slightly during 2012, even though the economy continued to grow, due mainly to lower greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity generation sector.

Auckland Museum cuts carbon emissions by 31% in two years

02 April, 2013

Auckland War Memorial Museum has achieved a milestone in its sustainability efforts by cutting its carbon footprint during 2012 by 21%, taking its reduction over the past two years to 31%. This result means the museum expects to spend 35% less on electricity and gas in 2013 compared to what was spent in its benchmark year of 2010.

Joint centre to secure future energy and reduce emissions

13 March, 2013

A newly established joint research centre at Curtin University will help secure future energy supplies and reduce CO2 emissions from both Australia and China.

Low Carbon project provides efficiency boost to Latrobe electricity network

11 December, 2012

Low Carbon Australia is financing an $11 million pilot energy-generation project at Traralgon in Victoria that demonstrates the potential for power security across Australia’s eastern seaboard. NovaPower will use high-efficiency Caterpillar gas-fired engines in an innovative solution that provides lower-emissions power and defers network investments, thus reducing costs to electricity users.

Environmental NGOs join call for more action on CCS

05 December, 2012

The Australian-based Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) has commended the latest report by the international ENGO Network on carbon capture and storage (CCS), calling for more governmental support for CCS development.

National Electricity Market emissions fall to lowest level for 10 years

17 November, 2012

The pitt&sherry Carbon Emissions Index (CEDEX) for November indicates that greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation have fallen to their lowest level for 10 years. CEDEX has been providing early indicators for key greenhouse gas emission trends in Australia since 2007.

Clean Energy Future package to transform economy, according to projections

02 November, 2012

The Gillard government’s Clean Energy Future package will reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and transform the economy, according to projections from the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency.

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