Ammonia analyser

Friday, 21 July, 2006 | Supplied by:

The Teledyne API M201E extractive gas analyser is capable of measuring NH3 in selectable ranges 0-50 to 0-2000 ppb using the chemiluminescence principle and a specifically designed external ammonia converter.

The analyser has been designed to overcome the difficulties usually associated with ammonia monitoring. Ammonia's tendency to absorb in other materials results in slow response times and inaccurate concentrations. The unit incorporates increased flow, minimum surface area, heated sample manifold, low absorption wetted parts and selected construction materials to minimise these effects.

Sample gas is passed through the converter, converting NH3 and other compounds to NO, producing the total oxides of nitrogen. In the next cycle the sample is routed through a molybdenum converter, converting nitrogen oxides (less NH3) to NO. The difference between these readings is equal to the NH3 concentration of the sample.

Top mounted sub-assemblies and hinged front and rear panels simplify module replacement and maintenance. A standard permeation dryer on the ozone generator provides dry air, and excess ozone is removed by catalytic reaction, eliminating the need for charcoal and desiccant (expendables).

Other features include: continuous self-checking alarms, auto-ranging concentrations, built-in data acquisition and internal memory, RS232 and ethernet communications, signal filter to optimise response time, and converter efficiency correction software.

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