Emerson Rosemount 8700M magnetic flowmeter platform with Modbus RS485 and scalable power supply

Monday, 20 July, 2015 | Supplied by: Emerson

Emerson Rosemount 8700M magnetic flowmeter platform with Modbus RS485 and scalable power supply

Emerson Process Management has announced the addition of Modbus RS485 and a low-power offering to its Rosemount 8700M magnetic flowmeter platform. The platform is said to help users across a variety of industries take advantage of improved installation, maintenance and process management practices.

With the Modbus output, access to advanced diagnostics (including SMART Meter Verification) and electrode coating detection, the product provides users with information about the flowmeter, installation and process. This enables more informed decision-making, easier identification of process issues and simplified flowmeter verification.

The scalable power supply options enable access to the reliability of a magnetic flowmeter, coupled with the large amount of data available through the Modbus protocol, to provide a solution for remote locations where power is limited. These capabilities are suitable for applications such as well pad water measurement, where oil and gas production companies are looking to control operating expenditures by reducing maintenance costs associated with more traditional measurement technologies.

The platform also leverages human-centred design concepts for easy installation. With a through-the-glass local operator interface (LOI), all diagnostic information is literally at the tip of a finger in any environment. Enhanced terminal compartments offer more space and more robust connections on the sensor and transmitter, making installation and field wiring simple. The ProLink III PC-based configuration tool has been enhanced to provide a simple and intuitive way to configure the Rosemount Modbus magnetic flowmeter transmitters.

Online: www.emerson.com/au/automation
Phone: 03 9721 0200
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