Thermo Fisher Scientific MACE FloPro stormwater monitoring solution

Thursday, 01 November, 2018 | Supplied by: Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific MACE FloPro stormwater monitoring solution

Stormwater monitoring is carried out to ensure that pollutants do not enter our waterways or, at worst, their effects are minimalised. Thermo Fisher Scientific is able to offer a range of stormwater monitoring solutions tailored to the user’s needs.

The heart of any stormwater monitoring package is the flow meter to measure how much water flows past and to calculate the pollutant loading. The MACE FloPro uses a doppler ultrasonic area velocity sensor that can measure bidirectional flows in open channels, pipes and stormwater culverts without the need for civil works or weirs and flumes, etc.

The FloPro multiple card interface enables additional equipment to be connected, such as individual water quality sensors, multiparameter water quality sondes, weather stations and automatic water samplers, for those parameters that can only be measured by complete laboratory analysis.

Thermo Fisher Scientific has had good results by coupling the MACE flowmeter with an In-Situ multiparameter water quality sonde, the Aqua TROLL 500 water quality meter, enabling measurement of baseline water quality as well as the changes that occur during and after a storm event. Typical parameters to be measured include turbidity (suspended solids), salinity, pH, nitrates and many others.

The FloPro also allows for all password-protected data to be telemetered to either a server of the user’s choice or to the In-Situ cloud-based data management system, HydroVu.

Phone: 1300 735 292
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