Saturday, 01 February, 2020 | Supplied by: Bestech Australia Pty Ltd


The KOLIBRI Cloud from KELLER is designed to fill the needs of users that want to access their data anytime and from anywhere. The product allows pressure measurements such as fill levels or monitor limit values to be tracked remotely. The cloud solution is available to all KELLER AG customers without recurring costs.

With a personal login and SSL encryption, the KOLIBRI Cloud enables secure and convenient access to measured data. Measurements can be graphically displayed in real time and the export function allows users to export data into Excel and CSV formats. The integrated alarm system ensures the effortless monitoring of all measuring points, eg, if the water level is high or the battery level is low, a warning message will be sent by email.

Authentication and encryption are based on best practices and standards. The KOLIBRI Cloud API allows custom software to retrieve metrics via HTTPS in a standardised JSON format. In this way, the measurement data can be forwarded to users’ own systems, visualised or processed further on users’ display software. Open-source software and documentation help users build cloud solutions — based on the mechanisms of the KOLIBRI Cloud.

The cloud is compatible with all KELLER IoT devices: GSM and ARC series as well new remote data transmission units based on IoT protocols such as LoRa.

Phone: 03 9540 5100
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