Report on the state of NZ's environment welcomed
The report Environment New Zealand 2007 provides a timely check-up on the health of our environment and charts New Zealand’s journey towards sustainability, Environment Minister Trevor Mallard said at the report’s launch.
The report on the state of New Zealand’s environment looks at the physical well-being of New Zealand’s land, water, air, plants and animals. It measures the impact of everyday activities and identifies trends and some pressures on our natural resources.
“This report, which will be produced every five years from now on, is an incredibly valuable tool. As a nation we value our clean green environment as part of our lifestyle and national identity. We recognise the importance of New Zealand’s clean green reputation to our international markets — as it is critical to our present and future economic wellbeing as consumers the world over seek out environmentally friendly and climate friendly products and services,” Mallard said.
“Our primary production and tourism sectors are the bread, butter and jam of our economy. This report is a valuable measuring tool which will guide us in policy work and decision making so we can continue to leverage off our valuable natural resources and maintain the kiwi lifestyle, in a way that is sustainable and internationally competitive.
“This report shows that together we have made significant improvements in some areas. “ But there are areas where we need to do other things better, to protect our clean green reputation. We simply cannot afford to be complacent.”
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