Water China 2007
Tuesday, 23 May, 2006
Chinese trade fair for the Water Industry, the Water China in Canton (Guangzhou), will be held in 2007 from 7 "“ 10 March.
The trade fair is organised by the China Foreign Trade Centre Group in association with Merebo Messe Marketing based in Hamburg/Germany, in charge for overseas participants.
The fair comprises the 8th International Water, Wastewater & Water Treatment Trade Show (Water China 2007), the 7th International Pump, Valve & Pipe Trade Show (PVP China 2007) and the 4th International Air & Waste Treatment Trade Show (AW China 2004).
The show will take place on a gross space of 12,000 sqm in what claims to be Asia's biggest venue, the Guangzhou International Convention & Exhibition Centre.
333 exhibitors from 23 countries and 10,000 trade visitors joined the event in 2006.
For further information, please visit Water China
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