Training kit for managing liquids

Tuesday, 12 February, 2008

Any liquid — from milk to oils to hazardous chemicals — has the potential to harm the environment.

A new CD of resources for conducting education and training to manage the storage and handling of liquid substances has been produced by the Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW (DECC) to help educate businesses and government about better managing liquids.

The Storing and Handling Liquids: Environmental Protection kit includes:

  • a training plan;
  • a 90-slide training presentation;
  • case studies;
  • practical activities and photos;
  • a user-friendly participant manual;
  • a site action plan to enable organisations to take a risk management approach to managing liquids.

The kit was developed in response to compliance audits conducted by DECC which highlighted the need for education and training for all industry sectors about the management of liquids.

The training program and manual outline the principles for preventing pollution when storing and handling liquid substances, with sections on legal obligations, site management, incident management and spill response. Site checklists and hints for reducing operating costs are also included.

The CD will be sent to all local councils in NSW and to key industry associations. A limited number of free CDs are also available to industry for staff training.

The DECC Business Partnerships team is holding ‘train the trainer’ workshops in Parramatta for councils and industry interested in using the resources to train local businesses. For more information or to register interest in the workshop, contact the training provider Leonie Johnson.

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