Sustainability principles for building construction sector established
The ISO 15392:2008 standard establishes internationally recognised principles for sustainability in building construction.
It provides a common basis for communication between stakeholders such as builders and architects, product manufacturers and designers, building owners, policy makers and regulators, housing authorities and consumers.
The standard is based on the concept of sustainable development as it applies to buildings and other construction works, from 'the cradle to the grave'. Over their life cycle, construction works absorb considerable resources and contribute to the transformation of the environment. As a result, they can have considerable economic consequences, and impacts on both the environment and human health.
The foundations elaborated in ISO 15392:2008, Sustainability in building construction — General principles, form the basis for a suite of standards intended to address specific issues and aspects of sustainability. They are applicable to buildings and other construction works individually and collectively, as well as to building materials, products, services and processes.
Addressing sustainability in buildings and other construction works includes the interpretation and consideration of sustainable development in terms of its three primary aspects — economic, environmental and social aspects — while meeting the requirements for technical and functional performance.
The principles elaborated in the standard take into account that while the challenge of sustainable development is global, the strategies for addressing sustainability in building construction are essentially local and differ in context and content from region to region.
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