National Waste Policy Consultation paper released
Environment Minister Peter Garrett has released a consultation paper — A National Waste Policy: Managing Waste to 2020 for public review and comment.
Garrett said waste policy had not been considered in the national context since 1992 and the current process would assist in providing much-needed clarity on what is appropriately dealt with at which level of government — local, state and federal.
“This paper is a chance for us to agree on what our priorities should be in tackling waste and where they are best addressed,” Garrett said.
“The Australian government, with support from state and territory environment ministers through the Environment Protection and Heritage Council, is leading development of a national policy to identify best practice in waste management and resource recovery, and to ensure Australia has the right mix of incentives and regulation.
“Many state and territory governments are now reviewing their waste and resource recovery policies and all jurisdictions, as well as stakeholders, are being invited to contribute their experience and ideas.”
Garrett said the amount of waste generated in Australia grew by more than 28% between 2003 and 2007 so the development of the policy was very timely.
Submissions close on 13 May 2009. Public meetings are scheduled for each capital city, Townsville, Kalgoorlie and Wagga Wagga from 21 April to 1 May 2009.
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