Campaign urges Victorians to save energy
Victorians have been encouraged to reduce their energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a new campaign unveiled by the Victorian Government.
Minister for Energy Industries and Resources, Theo Theophanous and Minister for the Environment, John Thwaites have launched a $1.5 million advertising campaign showing the amount of hidden greenhouse gas emissions produced by Victorian households every day.
Thwaites said that households accounted for 30% of all emissions caused by energy use.
"Studies have shown that by the year 2070 Victoria's average temperature could rise between 0.7 to 5.0ºC and this will have a serious impact on our lifestyles and the economy," Thwaites said.
"Just a 2°C increase in the average temperature would mean more bushfires, more severe storms and a 7-35% decrease in Melbourne's water supply.
"Thanks to our successful water saving campaign, Melburnians are now using 22% less water per person than in the 1990s " we now want to see a similar commitment to saving energy."
The "You have the power, Save energy' television and print advertising campaign uses black balloons to illustrate a household's greenhouse gas emissions - with one black balloon representing 50 g of greenhouse gas.
Theophanous said he wanted Victorians to think about the impact unnecessary energy use had on the environment - and on their hip pockets.
"Every day, the energy consumed by the average Victorian home produces 654 balloons or 33 kilograms of greenhouse gas," Theophanous said.
"Research shows that people are concerned about climate change but don't necessarily think they can do much about it. But just by making a few basic changes you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and your power bill at the same time.
"We all have the power to cut our energy bills by doing simple things like turning the heating thermostat to no more than 20 degrees, washing clothes in cold water and turning appliances off at the switch when they are not being used."
Research conducted in April found that:
- 82% of Victorians believe climate change is already having an impact on Victoria
- While 78% are worried about climate change, only 34% indicated reducing their impact on the environment as a current motivator to save energy
- Of those Victorians currently saving energy, 76% felt that saving money was their main motivation
- And over 50% have not taken any steps to save energy
For more information on how to save energy, please visit Sustainability Victoria
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