Decarbonising Victoria's energy future
Dr Jonathan Spear shares the vision for decarbonising Victoria's energy future at the All-Energy Australia conference in Melbourne this month. [ + ]
AIP sessions at Waste Expo 2023
AIP will be hosting a free packaging session on how to embed the 10x Sustainable Packaging Design Principles into your business, plus more... [ + ]
Waste Expo Australia 2023 advancing towards sustainable resource recovery
With a theme of 'Advancing Towards Sustainable Resource Recovery', Waste Expo Australia 2023 features a multi-stream conference and exhibition. [ + ]
Energy-saving compressed air for sustainable growth
With a renewed emphasis on local manufacture, there is an increased demand for economical, sustainable compressed air generation to power machinery and tools across a wide variety of industries. [ + ]
Building a sustainable future through digital innovation
In the pursuit of a sustainable future, the convergence of human energy, technology and environmental responsibility has emerged as a powerful force. [ + ]
Electrification as an accelerator towards net zero
To meet the growing demand for electrification of mobility and heavy industry, it's now time for the energy industry to put its foot down to accelerate the change. [ + ]
The drive for a more circular Li-ion battery industry
Competition in the EV sector is driving lithium-ion innovation; battery experts share their insights about the sustainable impacts these innovations may have in coming years. [ + ]
Dam good: water reservoirs could be used for energy storage
Australia's farm dams could be converted into small-scale hydro energy storage solutions for variable renewables, according to new UNSW Sydney-led research. [ + ]
Embodied carbon in buildings: a new frontier in greenhouse gas reduction
How we reduce CO2 emissions in the built environment is changing — with focus moving from energy efficiency to reducing embodied carbon, according to UNSW's Philip Oldfield. [ + ]
Research: From coffee to concrete
Australian engineers have found a way of making 30% stronger concrete with roasted used coffee grounds. [ + ]
The integral role of every department in Australia's sustainable business revolution
Embedding a culture of sustainability into business is crucial as every department has a role to play in the decarbonisation agenda, explains Mark Chadwick from ENGIE Impact. [ + ]
Preparation is key to conquering future mandatory non-financial climate reporting
Mandatory non-financial climate reporting is on its way and is set to reshape the landscape for investors, banks, corporations and trusts. [ + ]
Sustainable engineering: a 'triple win' for businesses, stakeholders and the planet
The pathway to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is narrow: it will require unprecedented transformation of the industrial sector. [ + ]
Recovering valuable chemicals from polystyrene
A team of US researchers have developed a thermochemical approach to recover valuable chemicals from polystyrene waste in a two-step process. [ + ]
Recapture untapped energy through heat regeneration
Many industrial processes require energy, but only a portion of that energy input is used for each operation such as pasteurisation or evaporation. How can heat regeneration help? [ + ]