Water > Desalination

Contract awarded to supply motors and drives to desalination plant

31 July, 2007

ABB has secured key contracts to supply motors and drives to the Gold Coast desalination plant. The plant, which is owned by the Queensland state government and Gold Coast City Council, claims to be the largest desalination plant on the eastern seaboard and is located at Tugun on the Gold Coast.

Energy-efficient desalination not a pipe dream

23 May, 2007

The delivery of energy-efficient desalination received a boost with the establishment of a major new research collaboration between CSIRO and nine of Australia's leading universities.

Dampening the desalination debate

22 September, 2006 by Wendy Cramer, Journalist

Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke has had enough of the debate on desalination. In his recent presentation at National Water 2006, he said, "Why debate, just get moving", despite arguments against the technology

Gold Coast poised to build desalination plant

31 January, 2006

The Gold Coast City Council is looking to establish a desalination plant to top up water supplies in times of drought.

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